About me

I am a Software Developer based in Halifax, Canada, worked mostly on Frontend, enjoying develop amazing projects and quick hacks. Currently, I'm persuing a Masters in Applied Computer Science at Dalhousie University, Canada.

While my primary focus lies in frontend development, I have a broad understanding of various technical domains, reflecting my passion for continuous learning and exploration. My experience encompasses a range of languages and databases, including JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Python, C, C++, MySQL, and MongoDB. Along with my 2 years of full time experience in React JS, I have also gained hands-on experience with backend frameworks like Node JS and Spring Boot, and cloud services like AWS and GCP. My curiosity and eagerness to expand my skill set have led me to explore various tools and platforms such as Git, Jira, Postman, Netlify, Firebase, and Render.


  1. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada

    Masters in Applied Computer Science Sept 2023 - Dec 2024

    CGPA: 4.1/4.3
    Courwork: Data Management & Warehousing Analytics, Advanced Topics in Software Development, Advanced Web Services, Advanced Cloud Computing

  2. G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology

    Bachelors of Engineering in Information Technology Aug 2017 — July 2021

    CGPA: 8.94/10
    Coursework: Programming Languages (C, C++, Java, Python), Data Structure and Algorithms, Operating System, Computer Graphics



Work Experience

  1. Ridecell, Pune, India

    Associate Frontend Developer (Full Time) Aug. 2021 — June 2023

    - Worked on Nemo Annotator Web App, used by the data annotators of the team to create, test, and visualize different driving scenarios.
    - Led all aspects of UI development as the sole Frontend Developer on the team, resulting in a 40% increasein user engagement.
    - Developed Frontend from scratch for Nemo Web App which is a standalone tool to write queries forextracting and visualizing real world scenarios on millions of kms of production vehicle data.
    - Converted Figma designs into well operated UI features & functionalities related to visualization of vehicledata by understanding the customer's requirements and delivered within deadlines.
    - Along with that, contributed in developing customizable and reusable React UI components for one of the Ridecell's UI library used across the organization similar to Material UI library.

  2. Simform, Ahmedabad, India

    Software Engineer (Intern + Full time) Jan. 2021 - June 2021

    - Trained for in-depth knowledge of JavaScript and React JS.
    - Post that, worked on a project regarding VPN Management Platform as a full-time Frontend Developer.
    - Transitioned Platform from React-Bootstrap components to their customized UI library components.

Volunteer Experience

  1. Computer Society of India, GCET Student Branch

    Mentor June 2020 — June 2021

    - Had the responsibility of Publicity of every organized events and maintaining Membership drive along with Coordinating events throughout the tenure.

    Public Relations Representative July 2019 — June 2020

    - Cultivated programming culture among Junior coders by organizing online coding events, sessions on: alumni talks, need-to-know technology and so on.
    - Along with that nurtured subordinate team members in upbringing their interpersonal skills.

  2. Coding Elements, GCET

    Campus Ambassador Feb. 2020 - Aug. 2020

    - Nurtured programming culture on campus by spreading awareness about various programs and courses offered for competetive programming.

My skills

  • JavaScript
  • React Js
  • C/C++
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Java - Spring Boot


  • Let Them Cook

    Let Them Cook

  • Covid-19 Tracker

    COVID-19 Tracker

  • Amazon UI Clone

    Amazon UI Clone

  • Netflix UI Clone

    Netflix UI Clone

  • TechKnow Sage

    TechKnow Sage


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